Do I Need an Advocate?
There are many reasons why parents reach out to an advocate.
Our services aren’t just for a child already receiving special education services...
If your child isn’t already receiving special education services, you may have a child who…
- Is transitioning from Early Intervention services and going through the initial eligibility for special education process
- Has received a diagnosis of a disability, and is going through the process of determining their eligibility for special education services
- Has been found ineligible to receive services, was offered an inappropriate placement, or wasn’t offered the services and supports required to be successful in school
- Has been getting poor report cards, dislikes going to school, has trouble getting homework done, or is falling behind grade level
- May be getting in trouble at school often, has been suspended, or expelled
- Has a difficult time making and keeping friends, or is getting bullied at school
If your child is already receiving special education services, you may be wondering if they are…
- Actually receiving the services as outlined in their IEP
- Getting enough or the right type of services
- In the right classroom or placement
- Making effective progress with the services and supports in place

How to Choose the Best Advocate
While searching for an Advocate, you want to look for one who…
- Is knowledgeable about special education law.
- Communicates and negotiates effectively.
- Is professionally trained.
- Is able to give you references.
- Is knowledgeable about your child’s specific disability.
- Has participated in dispute resolution.
- Is well versed in writing formal complaints and rejection letters.
- Will actually meet your child and get to know them.
- Will conduct a thorough record review.
Does any of this resonate with you?
If so, let’s talk!
You feel overwhelmed and unsupported at your child’s team meetings.
You have tried to work with your child’s school team and feel your concerns aren’t being heard.
You know your child’s needs aren’t being met, but aren’t sure about the next step.