How We Help

Just as students require an individualized approach to teaching, families benefit from advocacy services that are tailored to their individual needs.

Each family I work with is at a different place in their child’s educational journey and it is my goal to meet each parent where they are and work closely with them to give them the knowledge necessary to become their child’s best advocate.


Here are some of the ways I am able to support you:

I can review your child’s educational file to gain a better understanding of their unique needs and help develop a plan on what they need to make effective progress in their educational setting. Documents reviewed include but aren’t limited to: 504 plans, IEP’s, progress reports, report cards, disciplinary records, assessments, evaluations, data and graphs.
I can meet with you to discuss what’s not working in your child’s plan and help strategize the next plan of action. I can advise you on federal and state laws governing special education and provide you with specific strategies and language that you can use when working with your school district. Following the review of your child’s educational file, I am able to recommend evaluations and assessments based on your child’s needs and unique learner profile. I can also help you interpret any assessments so you can walk into your child’s meeting feeling confident you know their current skill level. If issues arise where your child’s 504 Plan or IEP aren’t implemented appropriately, I am able to draft letters, responses, complaints and written requests to school and district administrators.
As a seasoned program evaluator with decades of experience working with students, I know the many aspects of a successful program and what strategies can be put in place to improve and individualize a student’s classroom experience.
Let’s be honest, walking into a team meeting for your child can be overwhelming. You may be just one of 5-15 people in the room. I will meet with you prior to your child’s team meeting to review your goals for the meeting and discuss strategy so we can make sure any concerns are addressed at the meeting. I am able to accompany you to any team meetings including initial eligibility, IEP, 504, and transition meetings. I will provide support and guidance, ensure you understand the information being discussed, and make sure the outcome of the meeting is positive.
As an IEP coach my job is to guide and educate you through the IEP and 504 processes. I will help you understand your and your child’s rights and put the thoughts, concerns, and goals you have for your child into writing. I will be here to bounce ideas off of and can help you clarify your child’s strengths and areas to develop, so you and your team can create an IEP and action plan that will help your child excel. I will be here to walk you through every step of the special education process so you can walk into your child’s next Team meeting with confidence.
IEPs and 504 plans are the legally enforceable documents intended to ensure your child is receiving an appropriate education. Having a carefully crafted IEP or 504 Plan tailored to your child’s needs is crucial for their educational progress. As I work with you, I will help to ensure your child’s IEP is comprehensive and that it contains appropriate measurable goals and objectives, accommodations, modifications, and service delivery. I can also help monitor the implementation and effectiveness of your child’s 504 or IEP which would include reviewing goals and measuring against progress on reports or report cards. I can monitor school compliance with legal procedures and timelines to help make sure your school district is providing the services and support to which your child is entitled by law and within identified timeframes.
With over 2 decades of experience in special education, I have developed a vast network of professionals who provide an array of educational services including speech therapists, occupational therapists, diagnostic evaluators, ABA providers, private educational placements, and other medical or therapeutic providers. With the knowledge I have of your child, I am able to make recommendations to other resources and service providers from which your child would benefit.
If your child isn’t making effective progress in their current educational placement and you feel they aren’t receiving a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restricted Environment it may be time to explore alternative placements. I can observe your child in their current educational setting and research and observe alternative or proposed placements to determine which setting will be able to meet your child’s educational needs.
Out of district placements can be difficult to obtain. I will work with you to build a case to prove your child’s current programming isn’t appropriate and to identify an appropriate out of district placement that will meet their needs. This typically involves observing your child in school and a thorough review of their current and past IEPs, progress reports, report cards, evaluations, and data. I have successfully obtained out of district placements in public and private day schools as well as residential placements for dozens of students.
The law states that your child is entitled to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. This means that to the greatest extent possible, your child should be educated in the public school with his or her same-aged peers. There are many benefits to keeping your child in the public school system. Many families feel it is important to keep their child in their school district so they can access extracurricular activities, build friendships with neighborhood peers, and to feel a sense of belonging in their community. Sometimes improving your child’s IEP, changing their placement within the school district, or making changes to in-district programs is enough to meet their needs. When it is possible to keep your child in district, I will work with you and your child’s school to improve their programming so it’s possible for your child to remain in his/her district school.
There are times when parents and the school district don’t agree about a child’s educational needs. Mediation can be a helpful tool clarify the issues and underlying concerns, discuss options, and collaborate to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement that address the needs of the student. Mediation can also be a taxing and emotionally draining process. I have attended and supported families through dozens of mediations to reach an agreement with their district on next steps for their child.
With over two decades of experience as a BCBA, I have had extensive experience conducting FBAs for students in schools, homes, and community settings. If your child is engaging in challenging behaviors at home or at school, it may be time to conduct an FBA. An FBA helps parents and school personnel understand why challenging behaviors are occurring. Once the “why” behind the behaviors is identified, an appropriate behavior support plan can be completed that will include strategies to use to decrease the challenging behaviors and teach replacement behaviors.

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Every student and family I work with is on their own unique path. Let's connect to see how I can help!